Snooker Facts Every Week!
The Players Championship was rebranded in 2017 and is contested by the Top 16 players on the one-year ranking list
What is a ‘Short’?
A Short is basically a small post or article about a certain topic. Shorts aren’t meant to be long, journalism-like technical articles; but more of a casual, easy read for the keen snooker fan.
Often, Shorts will be related to what is currently happening in the world of snooker. Other times, they will be standalone, singular topics about things that may pose a burning question in the mind of every snooker fan. Like ‘how on earth does the snooker ranking system work?’
Have a question?
Do you have an idea that you would like to be covered in a Short? Or just a question that you would like answered?
Feel free to get in touch using any of the social links below!